Passionate about ethical design in the online world to ensure a safe digital future for her daughters.
My inspiration comes from a lot of places: Beyoncé. Podcasts. Art history. Media history. Old photos. Childhood memories. Car rides and flea markets and craft fairs. Mostly, it comes from my girls. Family means everything to me.
(OK, family and really clean typefaces. #NeverComicSans)

My Girls
They inspire me every day. They have a love for life and bring me so much hope that it mostly inflates my balloon and helps me float above all the small stuff life throws my way.
I’ll do anything to protect my girls. And my girls are at risk.

Unintended Consequences
The entire world has gone digital. Seriously, all of it. Parts of the world have better access to mobile technology than clean water. By 2020, nearly half the world’s population will have some type of social media account, probably more than one. My girls are growing up in a world where information is weaponized, news is fake, and clicks rule the world (even if nothing actually *clicks* anymore).
Regardless of politics, the requirements to use digital for good, to be responsible with technology, and to leave the online ecosystem better than I found it is a must for me. We’ve all been so amazed at what we CAN do here that we haven’t always stopped to question what we SHOULD do here. Well, I’m asking. And I’ll keep asking. What you see is what you get. I’m a mama bear first and everything else second.
So, if you are building a digital experience, please do it safely. Virtual reality is intertwined with real reality these days. We owe it to ourselves and our future generations to make the online world a safe place to visit.
Interested in learning more? The brilliant minds at the Oxford Internet Institute are dedicated to researching individual and collective online behavior in order to better understand our world. And former Silicon Valley techies founded the Center for Humane Technology to find ways to limit technology's unintended consequences on our minds and our communities.